Hello, I’m Russ.
lead user experience designer.
I design intuitive user interfaces for complex and demanding work environments, wither if that’s an operating room or a spaceship.
Intuitive | Sunnyvale, CA
DaVinci 5 Surgical Robot
Design lead for the DaVinci 5 surgical robot. Focused on the user experience of advanced product development.
See da Vinci 5 >
SpaceX | Hawthorne, CA
SpaceX Flight Software
Senior UX designer on the flight software team. Responsible for SpaceX’s platform of 100+ applications that enable the design, manufacturing, launch, crew operation and recovery of our vehicles.
View Crew Dragon >
IBM | Austin, TX
IBM Cloud
Interaction designer on IBM’s Watson Cloud Platform. Designed tools to enable developers to build apps using machine learning. Also contributed to the creation of IBM’s Carbon Design Language.
Go to IBM Cloud >
Go to Carbon Design System >
Flightsheet | Houston, TX
Co-Founder of Flightsheet, a mobile application for commercial pilots aimed at simplifying their job by automating daily tasks such as trend monitoring, expense reporting and trip information.
This application saves pilots hours of work each week.
View on App Store >
Awards & Publications
Good Design Awards
Award of the Year ‘24 >
Best in Class ‘24 >
Gold Winner ‘24 >
Silicon Valley UX Award:
1st: Best Medical User Experience ‘24 >
1st: Best Design System ‘24 >
1st: Design Value Award, Intuitive Design Language >
Talks / Publications
IxDA South America '17 >
InVision Design Talk >
SXSW '17: Paper prototyping for VR >
IXDA Interaction '17 >
Interactive Strategies Conference '16 >
SXSW '16 : Nudges >